We’d like to thank you for stopping by the new and improved website for Peaceful Valley Montessori. Everything we do is here to help children and their parents make the most of early childhood education, and that means having a top-notch website that’s going to be responsive no matter if you’re on a desktop, laptop, pad, or, as many of us often are, a smartphone. No matter where you are, we want you to be able to contact us!

Peaceful Valley is ready to help kids get an amazing head start on their education, whether via a fun daycare environment or in the preschool years leading up to kindergarten. Let’s take a look at the variety of programs that Peaceful Valley Montessori Academy and how it differs from that you’ll get at other forms of preschool…including other Montessori schools you might run into around the area.


Not all Montessori schools realize the importance of teaching the youngest of children, but that’s not the case at Peaceful Valley. We fully realize that kids that young are certainly learning, even before they can get to the usual learning (i.e. play). That’s why we happily welcome babies who are six weeks old or older. We’re ready to fill their days with the most gentle care, learning experiences…and lots of sleep!

There’s a big difference between traditional daycare and the teachings a child will get at a Montessori school. That’s because what kids learn — yes, even as young as six weeks old — is being intentionally modeled by the teacher. It’s not just about interacting with the child; it’s about purposefully interacting with them in ways that have been proven to stimulate the growing mind. It’s difficult to describe in a blog, but we’d love to talk with you about it more. Simply contact us and so that we can talk with you about it some more.


One of the most difficult parts of working at other Montessori schools is seeing how they have a “school first” attitude. As in, “what the school teaches is best for the child, and parents should stay at a distance while the school handles the teachings.”

That’s not how we feel at Peaceful Valley. At our Montessori school, we actively involve the parents as much as possible. As much time as we spend with the children, nothing can take the place of parents and what the children are learning from them. That’s why we’re constantly in touch with the parents, keeping that two-way street open at all times for the benefit of the school, parents, and child.


One of the reasons that we started Peaceful Valley Montessori Academy was because we believed in the idea of a year-round school. While the traditional “9 months on, 3 months off” made sense when America was primarily an agrarian nation, study after study has shown that, during the summer, kids lose so much of what they’ve been taught; it takes months to recover from summer vacation. We are so dedicated to the idea of keeping the kids learning all summer long.

And let’s be honest…parent love it that we don’t take the summer off! First, they don’t have to arrange for childcare during the summer; instead they simply continue bringing their child or children to our Montessori school. Second, summer care seldom reaches the same level of education that our Montessori academy does. Third, summer is often seen as a time where kids can take off time from schooling and have fun, where they can get out and explore. But that’s exactly what we’re doing at our Montessori school all the time! Montessori is all about asking questions and exploring, and that’s why each one of our classrooms has a door opening directly to the outside. Teachers head out with the student to constantly discover how the world works.

Instilling a thirst for knowledge early in a child’s life is the first step to raising a child who is interested in how the world works, which leads to a child who is actively interested in changing it for the better. We hope you’ll click those links above to find out even more about our Montessori learning center!

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