We’ve mentioned time and time again how important we think that the Montessori method is and how it can play a big part in children’s daycare and preschool years. And we can (and have!) gone on and on about its many benefits and how it can prepare children for the challenges that are in front of them.

Once again, it’s time to let our families take over to voice their opinions about our Montessori learning center. Sure, we’ll pipe up with a reply, but we really think it’s important to let them have their say regarding our Montessori childcare and preschool center. Let’s start with Sarah.

“Oh, where to begin? Peaceful Valley is a light in this world, and certainly was a light in my and my daughter’s life. I toured multiple Montessori’s before coming here, and after seeing Peaceful Valley I knew there was no place else for my 2yo. The rooms were clean, spacious, and interesting, and the children all seemed happy and calm. In fact, the kids were so calm I had to take a second to realize how many were actually in the room!

And once she started I wasn’t disappointed. She absolutely thrived there. I would constantly be surprised at home with new things she was learning, but more importantly I knew it was happening through play and having fun. All her teachers were amazing. Everyone I’ve encountered there is amazing. And as a newly single mom, I felt so welcome and supported. It really is more than a place you just drop your kid off; it’s a community.

I recently made the choice to relocate to CA for a job, and I can honestly say that the biggest reason I almost didn’t take the job was knowing it would mean taking her out of Peaceful Valley. I truly believe what they have there is so special, and we miss them already.”

— Sarah Samuel

Thanks for much for writing in, Sarah. We miss you too, and while we’re accustomed to saying goodbye to children as they age out, it’s hard to do so when a job takes the child from our learning environment. Trust us, though, we understand if you have to do what’s best for your family.

We all know that there’s more than one Montessori preschool in Golden Valley, and we completely understand when parents choose to check out others before they make a final decision on which early childhood education center is right for them. In fact, we’re honored that, after doing your research, you decided to go with us. We’re also so happy that you found our learning center so inviting. While our teachers play a huge role in how our Montessori academy works, that can be hard to convey in the short time a parent is visiting. We keep our classroom an inviting place every day, but to be completely honest that’s more for the benefit of our students and teachers much more than for any visitors!

You mention how calm the children were, but that’s not always the case, of course. Kids will be kids, and we encourage them to pick the style of learning that helps them the most. Sometimes that includes something a bit louder than occurs when reading a book! Still, there are also those wonderful times outside when kids can be as active as they need to be. (More and more studies show that play time outside actually makes kids more amenable to learning when they get back.)

Now, back to our teachers and staff. Every school will say that they only hire the best, but we really mean it! (And thanks for backing us up, Sarah!) We go through a stringent hiring process and hire based not only on teaching qualification but also the way that teachers interact with the children. After all, the right teacher can make a child excited to learn, and that’s most of what Montessori education is about. And as one of the few Montessori schools that really embraces the partnership between teacher and parents, we also know how important it is to forge relationships with everyone who walks through our door. We have so many varieties of parents, guardians, and caregivers at our Montessori school that it’s hard to keep track, and we do everything we can to make every one of them feel as comfortable as possible.

Phew, apparently we had a lot to say to Sarah ever since she left. Let’s move onto Katie.

“All three of my kids LOVE Peaceful Valley in Eden Prairie. The teachers have taken the time to know each of my kids as individuals. It is a warm and supportive environment, and the director and owners are extremely responsive. I’ve watched my kids change in many positive ways since starting here – and I know that they are receiving true Montessori instruction and tools. Plus – food and diapers are included, so that saves me a ton of prep time across 3 kids. Cannot recommend this school and its community enough!”

— Katie Hope

So glad to hear from you, Katie. We’re pleased that you’ve mentioned the positive ways in which your kids have changed since starting here. Now, of course, there’s no way to create alternate universes and A/B test the difference between sending your kid here and not sending them here to see exactly how they’d turn out differently. But we’re guessing you’re seeing strides in them that their peers who aren’t at Peaceful Valley just aren’t experiencing.

You also mention how the teachers are so attentive to each child’s needs. Getting to know each individual kid, including their strengths and weaknesses, is a big part of Montessori education. teachers are specifically trained in order to guide them in their educational needs.

Finally, you bring up the ease of bringing your kids to PVMA; the beginning and end of your review are nice bookends, Katie. Obviously, the points you make about food and diapers is important for you in order to make it easier when you’re heading out the door in the morning. But you start off by noting just how much your kids LOVE coming to us every day. When your kids look forward to coming, it certainly means they’re going to get into the car faster and more easily, doesn’t it? Not every parent can say that about other daycares and preschools.

Okay, that’s all for today when it comes to reviews.  If either Sarah or Katie have convinced you that our Montessori learning center is right for your child, be sure to contact us. We’d also love to answer any questions you might have. Let’s talk!

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